אוסף הוטרינר אולפסון פטר

لتكبير النص لتصغير النص

وصف المحتوى

Peter Olafson won his place in this world, when he discovered the surprising cause for Hyperkeratosis, a disease of cattle. This disease caused the death of millions of cattle every year in the United States and in other developed countries. Peter Olafson was born in 1897 to Sigabjorg and Olafor who moved from Iceland to North Dakota, USA. He was drafted into the US Army during WWI and in 1922 he began his studies in the Agricultural College in North Dakota. Two years later he transferred to Cornell University in NY and in 1926 he received his certification as a doctor of veterinary medicine (DMV). In 1927 he received certification in surgery, joined the staff of the veterinary school at Cornell University specializing in pathology. He defined and researched disease of cattle and in 1946 was appointed as the Head of the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology at Cornell. In 1951 Olafson, along with other researchers, proved that the main cause of Hyperkeratosis was poisonous substances found in lubricating oil, that was used for maintain agricultural machinery, that seeped into the food of the cattle. During the 1950's he served as an advisor to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. In this capacity he was sent to some African countries, Argentina and also Israel, countries where the disease was afflicting the cattle herds. Olafson arrived in Israel after having met, in America, Dr. Menachem Shtorman the chief veterinarian of "Hachacklaut" Company who described to him the disease that was attacking cattle herds in Israel. Olafson, who assumed that the cause of the disease in Israel was identical to that in America, offered to come and help. He arrived in Israel in December 1954, together with this wife Harriet, whom he had married in 1929, and their two daughters. He stayed in Israel for a year with the support of the US Government. The pictures in the album were taken by Peter, in color, something that was quite unusual at the time. Prof. Nobel from Israel, who accompanied Olafson during his stay, wrote: "Dr. Olafson's first and primary activity was connected to the study of hyperkeratosis. After seeing the first clinical case he asked: where are the nearest tractor garages? He looked over in one direction and saw a green barrel which was known to contain the lubricating oil with chemicals that caused the disease". Starting in the 1940's the car lubricating oil that was imported to Israel was produced by the Sinclair Company. The rapid development of the agricultural sector led to the rapid penetration of agricultural machinery, especially in the kibbutzim. When working with agricultural machinery in the fodder fields and near the cowsheds, lubricating oils for the machines came into contact with the vegetables, straw and hay used for animal feed. The specific composition of the Sinclair oils caused the disease that killed tens of thousands of cattle in Israel. Dr. Olafson advised the kibbutzim to stop using these oils in all places where they could possibly come into contact with the animal feed. Immediately upon cessation of use of this oil the disease disappeared. Olafson speaking about his work said, "It is unusual that a man who discovers a disease lives long enough to see it eradicated". Olafson was awarded the Zimmerman award in Israel in 1956 for his contribution to veterinary medicine. He was also awarded a Citation of Honor from the Israeli Government. The ceremony took place in the 'hut' of President Yitzchak Ben- Zvi. The Israel Veterinary Association dedicated its quarterly magazine, "Veterinary Medicine" to Olafson, in recognition of his contribution to the field. After his retirement Olafson continued to teach at Cornell University until his death in 1985. He was survived by his 4 daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His daughters Aran and Fria donated the slides of his pictures to the Photographic Archives and Yad Ben-Zvi. In this collection there are pictures from historical sites and settlements throughout Israel. In addition there are photographs that he used in his research, primarily in the South amongst the Bedouin population. Other pictures in the collection include photographs from Beit Lechem and the Old City of Jerusalem during the Jordanian rule.

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رقم الرف
رقم الإستدعاء لدى الوصي الحالي
יד יצחק בן צבי;YBZ.0873
تاريخ الإصدار
282 פריטים.
אוסף הוטרינר אולפסון פטר.
عنوان بديل
English title: Peter Olafson
אוסף זה קוטלג על ידי צוות יד יצחק בן צבי החל מ-01/03/2018 ועד 31/05/2018
هذا جزء من
יד יצחק בן צבי
مستوى التوصيف
Fonds Record
רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.
رقم النظام

تمّ وضع شروط استخدام تتناسب مع كل ملف أرشيفي على حدة.

تظهر شروط الاستخدام في صفحة الملف الأرشيفي على موقع المكتبة الوطنية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول خدمة الاستيضاح عن حالة حقوق التأليف والنشر، وشروط استخدام المواد المتاحة في مجموعات المكتبة، انقروا هنا.

عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:
פטר, אולפסון REI-YBZ (יוצר האוסף), אוסף הוטרינר אולפסון פטר, 01/01/1954-31/12/1955, סימול IL-INL-YBZ-0873, יד יצחק בן צבי, יד יצחק בן צבי;YBZ.0873.


רשומה זו היא חלק מפרויקט רשת ארכיוני ישראל (רא"י) וזמינה במסגרת שיתוף פעולה בין יד יצחק בן צבי, משרד ירושלים ומורשת והספרייה הלאומית של ישראל. This bibliographic record is part of the Israel Archive Network project (IAN) and has been made accessible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yad Ben Zvi Archive, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.

      1. إظهار العناصر الـ 10 التالية من أصل 351
      2. عرض الكل
